Hello! Thanks for visiting www.andrea.net, I hope you enjoyed the pages. New stuff is added constantly, so check back once in a while to see what I've been up to :-). You're probably reading this if you don't know what Aruamp is, so I'll tell you. You know Winamp, the best MP3 player? Aruamp is a skin for this program. You can change the skin of your Winamp by following these instructions. 1. Find your Winamp/Skins/ directory and create a subdirectory called Aruamp. 2. Extract these files into the Aruamp directory 3. Open Winamp and click on the upper left button, select "Options" ---> Skin Browser... 4. A small window will open up, select Aruamp. 5. Voila! Your Winamp has a new skin! 6. If you want to change back to the original Winamp skin, select